由英特尔高性能数据部门组织协调的一年一度的中国Lustre User Group会议于10月14日在北京举行,来自Lustre社区96名相关专家参与了此次会议,共同探讨了最新的Lustre发展近况。
The Intel ® High Performance Data Division, Intel’s Lustre* experts, coordinated the planning and execution for this annual LUG event; wherein 96 attendees were provided with the opportunity to learn about the latest Lustre* developments and interact with the broader Lustre* community.
- 时间:2014年10月14日
Date: October 14th, 2014 - 地点:北京市东城区东单金宝街99号 北京丽晶酒店
Location: Celestial Room, The Regent Hotel, Beijing
会上,来自英特尔的Brent Gorda发表了主题演讲,重点对Lustre如何促进科学的发展进行了深入的探讨。您可以在下方获取更多有趣主题的演讲资料。
Intel’s Brent Gorda provided the keynote, highlighting how Lustre* Enables Science. The overall agenda included multiple interesting topics, which can be viewed below.
演讲资料 Presentations:
Topic: How Lustre Enables Science
Brent Gorda

High Performance Data Division, Intel Corporation (then)
Brent Gorda was then general manager for Intel‘s High Performance Data Division. He had been taking responsibility for distributed storage team within Intel including product development, professional services, sales, marketing support. He was most recently a Managing Director at CEOQuest, now an independent business and technology consultant.

High Performance Data Division, Intel Corporation
Peter Jones is the Director of Lustre Engineering at Intel and has been involved in the Lustre project in a variety of roles for over 11 years. He is s former board member of OpenSFS and is currently the co-lead of the OpenSFS Lustre Working Group.

High Performance Data Division, Intel Corporation

High Performance Data Division, Intel Corporation

浪潮公司AI & HPC部门HPC解决方案架构师
HPC solution architect, AI & HPC Department, Inspur Technologies Co., Ltd.

DataDirect Networks, Inc.
Li Xi is the Lustre development Lead of Advanced Solution Laboratory at DDN. He has been Lustre and Linux kernel developers more than 8 years and contributing ton of codes to the Lustre, ext4 and other open source communities.

High Performance Data Division, Intel Corporation

Product Manager in Cloud-Infranstractuure Division, Bingo Cloud

High Performance Data Division, Intel Corporation

Robert Mollard
Senior Storage Specialist, APAC, Intel Corporation

High Performance Data Division, Intel Corporation
Jiangnan Institute of Computing Technology
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